Increased innovation capacity and technological readiness of SMEs
Direct Grant - Increased innovation capacity and technological readiness of SMEs is signed between the Innovation Fund and Ministry of Finance - the Department for Contracting and Financing of EU Funded Programs (CFCU) provides funds for the continuation of Mini Grants Program, Matching Grants Program and Collaborative Grant Scheme Program.
The total budget of the Project is EUR 20 million, of which EUR 15 million is from the European Union Pre-Accession Assistance for 2018 (IPA 2018) and EUR 5 million from the budget of the Republic of Serbia, the line of the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation.
The amount allocated for the financing of approved projects under the Mini Grants Program, Matching Grants Program and Collaborative Grant Scheme Program financed under this Direct Grant Agreement is EUR 18 million.
During the implementation of the Innovation Project, the Innovation Fund conducted three public calls for the development of innovative products, services, and technologies within the framework of the Early Development Program, the Innovation Co-Financing Program, and the Science-Industry Collaboration Program.
The first public call, worth EUR 9 million, was open from July 5 to September 15, 2021. A total of 223 application projects were submitted for all three support programs. Based on the evaluation by an independent Expert Committee, the Innovation Fund approved funding for 54 innovative projects of companies. Overview of approved innovative projects for financing - Press release.
The second public call, worth EUR 6 million, was open from November 30, 2021, to March 15, 2022. A total of 248 application projects were submitted for all three support programs. Based on the evaluation by an independent Expert Committee, the Innovation Fund approved funding for 38 innovative projects of companies. Overview of approved innovative projects for financing - Press release.
The third public call, worth EUR 3.2 million for the Mini and Matching Grants Program, was open from September 15 to November 15, 2022. A total of 188 application projects were submitted for the scheduled public call. Based on the evaluation by an independent Expert Committee, the Innovation Fund approved funding for 27 innovative projects of companies. Overview of approved innovative projects for financing - Press release.
Video material - Success stories